MFB are excited to be adding a new product to its SCEC Range. MFB’s wall mounted Class B and C Key Containers ensure your keying system is completely secure. Made from 1.6mm Mild steel the containers offer both a 100 key capacity and a 300 key capacity. Customers can choose either the KABA combination locks (Class B) or the certified Bilock System (Class C). Additionally, customers can select the colour of their key containers with the following standard Powdercoat finishes being available.

34002-44 Sable Black
34002-60 Monument
34002-61 Deep Ocean
34002-62 Dune
34002-63 Paperbark
34002-64 White


Security is invaluable, give your team peace of mind and keep your keys safe. For more information reach out to our experienced sales team.

View Class B & C Key Containers